People build too many walls and too few bridges.

Isaac Newton

Habits determine our life to a large extent. Some even refer to the subconscious as a collection of unconscious habits. We are more likely to forgive ourselves new, useful habits if they are neglected. Necessary (new) habits that we pay dearly in the long run.

If the battery is empty and the head is full, then we need compensation. But what is available free of charge and mostly accessible with little effort? Breath and nature.

After a long phase of concentrated work, my head is very happy about the colors available around me. Wherever I look, I see green. Even as I write, this is my background color. I am currently looking at one of my photos showing a lemon. I’ve internalized the green environment while writing as a habit for a long time and my eyes and productivity are very happy about it.

Again and again we come to our limits and then like to cup our eyes, our minds and our bodies too much. We actually know how to do it better. I even write us the necessary motivation to do things the way we want them to. You rarely fail because of education and knowledge (even if I see it differently here in India in many places and have experienced the terrible effects – keyword rubbish).

Never start to stop. Never stop starting.

Marcus Tullius Cicero

Ta da: There they are again, our beloved habits

If we use appropriate SOPs (standard operation protocols) and habits (habits) “sensibly” then we stay healthy, take enough breaks and at the end of the day or the project that we have set ourselves will be achieved with a high probability. If our habits stand in our way, it becomes exhausting and success tends to stay away.

Useful measures to make it easier for you to maintain your habits:

1. Write yourself reminder notes and put a reminder with a message in your “smart phone”.

2. Watch your progress and reward yourself for sticking to your habits. We do not use negative reinforcement.

3. Integrate new habits into existing rituals.

„I contemplate myself surrounded by the conditions I want to attract into my life.“

Excuses be gone, Dr. Wayne Dyer

1. Effective Reminders

There are many ways to do this. The simplest analog is a sticky note with adhesive tape or an object that you place so that you cannot overlook it. For example, if you want to be reminded of the running session before the next time you leave the house, then strategically place your running shoes or other equipment in the way.

A reminder is also very effective (except for one or the other when it comes to growing up). Set an alarm clock or several if you are serious. Often you can also combine this memory with a selected melody, which can increase the memory more personal and the good mood.

2. Observe and Reward

You can rely on observation and reward, and we even have our own center in the brain for the latter.

Make the habit process appealing: For example, make a mini study or experiment out of it. Think of the new habit as a little scientific experiment and document each time you have shown the behavior you want with a line or a cross. The preferred place for this is the calendar.

Over time you will get an overview of how consistent you can be.
Reward yourself every time you show the behavior you want. An extrinsic (external) incentive is particularly helpful at the beginning. Choose a small reward here that is good for your body and mind. It is important here that you really enjoy the reward. Feel the positive energies throughout your body that are released when you value yourself and your behavior. A conscious straightening up and patting yourself on the back work wonders.

Another tip for more self-esteem is an encouraging, little self-talk in front of the mirror. Look into your eyes and tell yourself something nice. That may feel strange at first, but over time it makes you strong as a bear and gives you a new dimension of self-awareness and appreciation of your whole personality.

3. It works better in connection

We find it easier if we attach new habits to a predetermined time or to an already existing routine. Morning meditation is an example of this. RPM (R = rest, P = pee, M = meditate) is a possibility for a new routine based on this. After getting up and going to the toilet, a place is immediately chosen where the meditation is then practiced. The advantage: Nothing can come in between and the new habit has been successfully integrated early in the morning.

There are many examples of action chains that you can append or paste. A sequence that is as reliable as possible (which you usually repeat) is particularly suitable for this.

Compassion for myself has been particularly helpful in establishing new habits. Excessive self-criticism often lets the young plant die before it is strong enough. I also liked to use the habitica app and website as a tool, which I will be reporting on in the near future.

I wish you a lot of pleasure, curiosity, and indulgence in integrating your new habits, large and small. May you successfully tear down many walls and build bridges between new and old habits.

Which new habits are particularly easy for you, which are particularly difficult for you – The comment field below is hungry for your opinion.

All the best

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